2018 Taekwondo Ontario Team Jacket

Congratulations to the following athletes that qualified for the exclusive Taekwondo Ontario Team Jacket for the upcoming Canadian National Championships.


This was the criteria that was used:

1)      1st place at the Provincial Game #1 (September 16/17)

2)      1st and 2nd place at the Provincial Game #2 ( January 6th)

3)      ** Special exceptions extending to 3rd place athletes in Game #2 if the 1st or 2nd place athlete in their division has won 1st place in Game #1.

Please email the following to receive your team Jacket:

1)      Name and Division

2)      Team Jacket Size

3)      Proof of registration if not currently posted in Taekwondo Canada website

*1 jacket for per athlete

Athletes must wear the team jacket at the 2018 Canadian National Championships as a requirement for quest for gold, and potential Ontario funding at Provincial game 2.

Please email Master Sung Min Son to no later than Thursday, February 1st, 2018.