CANCELLATION – 2023-2024 Final Ranking Game Cadets & Junior

Update: May 22, 2024

Due to the unavailability of a licensed physician, the 2023-2024 Provincial Final Ranking Game (Junior & Cadet Sparring) game originally scheduled for this Saturday May 25, 2024 will be cancelled.

The Ontario government mandates that for all amateur combative sport contests involving the use of full contact strikes to the head, a licensed physician must be present and in close proximity of each contest at all times.

All participants that confirmed their intent to participate in this game will form part of Team Ontario and receive the jacket and t-shirt accordingly. This includes the declared and undeclared athletes.

Per Master Sungmin Son

2023-2024 Final Ranking Game Cadets & Junior Update

Declared Junior & Cadet Athletes – If your name is on this dcelared list, you do not need to attend this competition as you have been declared.

Undeclared Junior & Cadet Athletes – If your name is on the undeclared list, you need to attend per the schedule below.

Competition Schedule

Captain Sports Sponsored Final Ranking Game

9am – All undeclared Sparring Athlete report to Random Weigh Ins * Please note all sparring athletes are only required to pass the random weigh-in on the competition day in order to compete at the Final ranking game.

10am – Sparring Matches Start